• Hello,

    I`m using the WP-Rest API and have a problem with the redux part of WP Mail Logging:

    On some ajax requests I get the Redux output:
    <b>Warning</b>: file_get_contents(https://www.reduxframework.com/wp-content/uploads/redux/redux_notice.json): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 hphp_invoke
    in <b>/srv/www/gantner-instruments.de/current/web/app/plugins/wp-mail-logging/inc/redux/redux-framework/ReduxCore/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php</b> on line <b>186</b>

    And so WordPress can not return correct JSON.

    There is a github ticket for the problem in redux:

    Please update redux framework in your plugin to prevent this error.

    Of course, I could disable output, but this is not what I want on my development server.

    Thank you for this great Plugin!

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  • Hi jsnd,

    I already took concern of updating redux in my current development environment to bundle it with the next release. ??

    Anyway I have some issues bundling it and I might switch over to use it with TMG (automated installation of redux with plugin installation, or require manual installation before my plugin will activate).

    Possible workaround: try to install redux from the plugin repository – I never did it this way but it might overerrule my bundled version of reudx.

    Are you familiar with REST in WordPress? I currently implemented a JSON printout when accessing a single mail. If you know how to implement an endpoint we should talk.

    IMO redux should be completely removed …

    I’m not 100% sure, but it appears like 1.6.2 paired with WordPress 4.6 breaks sites, and displays a error both on front end and backend. I had to delete the plugin via FTP to recovery the client site. As it was a mission critical site I didn’t have time to document or screenshot the error sorry.

    I also support removing Redux from this plugin, as it looks like it is not configured correctly in 1.6.2

    Sorry but please prove your concerns. Please look at the log files for errors.

    I just updated to 4.6 to check for issues. But everything is fine.

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