I think I have a similar problem. I received an email by cookiebot support that, after the latest scan of my website, suggested me to modify the script to allow the automatic block of cookies.
I modified the script and in the settings of the plugin, I selected Automatic in the item “cookie blocking-mode”. The problem is that, in this way, the buttons of like and share of facebook disappeared.
Controlling the console I found these errors:
Uncaught TypeErros: Cannot read properly ‘insertBefore’ of null at CookieControl.Cookie.postponeMutation (uc. js:1) at Mutation0observer.mutatioHandler (uc. js:1)
Uncaught ReferenceErros:jQuery is not defined at /wp-content/plugins/_s/js/scripts.js:506
Uncaught Erros: Bootstrap’s JavaScript require jQuery at /wp-content/themes/j_c/js/bootstrap.js:6
If in the settings of the plugin, I select Manual in the item “cookie blocking-mode”, these button of facebook appeared again.
So I want to know:
1) with only the modification of the script, do I block preventively the cookie?
2) in the settings of the plugin, must I select Automatic to block preventively the cookies?
I want to respect the GDPR but I want also that the social buttons of facebook appear always on my site. Can you help me?
I read also the information at this link: https://support.cookiebot.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003812053-Hide-and-show-content-based-on-the-visitor-s-consent
but I didn’t understand if I can use them to solve and eventually how and where I have to insert them.
Please, answer me.
Thanks in advance