@reneesoffice we are using your plugin let me send you one screenshot: https://snipboard.io/wrtGDd.jpg also every-page have your plugin is activated let me tell you one more thing:
that those post redirecting to non-amp version are child post like:
Parent Post: https://www.vpnranks.com/reviews/vyprvpn/
Child Post: https://www.vpnranks.com/reviews/vyprvpn/kodi/
Parent post AMP version working fine but child post amp redirecting to non-amp i am sending you code which i use to create this custom posts hierarchy.
add_action('registered_post_type', 'make_posts_hierarchical', 10, 2 );
// Runs after each post type is registered
function make_posts_hierarchical($post_type, $pto){
// Return, if not post type posts
if ($post_type != 'post') return;
// access $wp_post_types global variable
global $wp_post_types;
// Set post type "post" to be hierarchical
$wp_post_types['post']->hierarchical = 1;
// Add page attributes to post backend
// This adds the box to set up parent and menu order on edit posts.
add_post_type_support( 'post', 'page-attributes' );
* Get parent post slug
* Helpful function to get the post name of a posts parent
function get_parent_post_slug($post) {
if (!is_object($post) || !$post->post_parent) {
return false;
return get_post($post->post_parent)->post_name;
* Edit View of Permalink
* This affects editing permalinks, and $permalink is an array [template, replacement]
* where replacement is the post_name and template has %postname% in it.
add_filter('get_sample_permalink', function($permalink, $post_id, $title, $name, $post) {
if ($post->post_type != 'post' || !$post->post_parent) {
return $permalink;
// Deconstruct the permalink parts
$template_permalink = current($permalink);
$replacement_permalink = next($permalink);
// Find string
if(!is_amp_endpoint()) {
$postname_string = '/%postname%/';
$postname_string = '/%postname%/amp/';
// Get parent post
$parent_slug = get_parent_post_slug($post);
$altered_template_with_parent_slug = '/' . $parent_slug . $postname_string;
$new_template = str_replace($postname_string, $altered_template_with_parent_slug, $template_permalink);
$new_permalink = [$new_template, $replacement_permalink];
return $new_permalink;
}, 99, 5);
* Alter the link to the post
* This affects get_permalink, the_permalink etc.
* This will be the target of the edit permalink link too.
* Note: only fires on "post" post types.
add_filter('post_link', function($post_link, $post, $leavename){
if ($post->post_type != 'post' || !$post->post_parent) {
return $post_link;
$parent_slug = get_parent_post_slug($post);
$new_post_link = str_replace($post->post_name, $parent_slug . '/' . $post->post_name, $post_link);
return $new_post_link;
}, 99, 3);
* Before getting posts
* Has to do with routing... adjusts the main query settings
add_action('pre_get_posts', function($query){
global $wpdb, $wp_query;
$original_query = $query;
// Do not do this post check all the time
if ( $query->is_main_query() && !is_admin()) {
// get the post_name
$basename = basename($uri);
// find out if we have a post that matches this post_name
$test_query = sprintf("select * from $wpdb->posts where post_type = '%s' and post_name = '%s';", 'post', $basename);
$result = $wpdb->get_results($test_query);
// if no match, return default query, or if there's no parent post, this is not necessary
if (!($post = current($result)) || !$post->post_parent) {
return $original_query;
// get the parent slug
$parent_slug = get_parent_post_slug($post);
// concat the parent slug with the post_name to get most of the url
$hierarchal_slug = $parent_slug . '/' . $post->post_name;
// if the concat of parent-slug/post-name is not in the uri, this is not the right post.
if (!stristr($uri, $hierarchal_slug)) {
return $original_query;
// pretty high confidence that we need to override the query.
$query->query_vars['post_type'] = ['post'];
$query->is_home = false;
$query->is_page = true;
$query->is_single = true;
$query->queried_object_id = $post->ID;
$query->set('page_id', $post->ID);
return $query;
}, 1);
this file added in function.php, i think because of child permalink that amp redirect to non-amp can you help us with this???