• Resolved xentar


    Hey, Greg
    I bought the woocomerce plugin and right now i’m playing around with some features i need.
    Right now i’m trying to figure the best way to update or refresh the time of a post… Lets say my post expired, and i want to pay again and extend 30 days more.
    This is all theory, still don’t give a try, but you think is possible to use the same system and just check if the id exist and then update the expiration date? If is possible, you think you can guide me a little? still learning how this thing work.

    Thanks in advance


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  • Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    Hi, thanks for purchasing the WooCommerce addon!

    As for your question, this will require some custom programming but it should be possible to do. In wpadverts-wc/wpadverts-wc.php file there is a function adext_wc_payments_cart_redirect().

    It adds to the cart product and assigns advert_id (so when payment is made it is possible to check which advert to activate). If you could reverse engineer this function to for example have a button on site, when this button is clicked code from the function is executed, then you should be able to have Ads renewals without much other work.

    When the payment will be accepted function adext_wc_payments_order_paid() will be triggered. It will reset creation and expiration dates.

    Two problems i can see with this function:
    1. line

    if ( in_array( $advert->post_status, array( 'wc_pending' ) ) ) {

    will work only if advert will have post_status set to wc_pending, which is rather unlikely.
    2. Ad creation and expiration dates will be reset relatively to current date (which is probably not something you might want when user renews 5 days before expiration date).

    You would either need to modify the code there or better yet make a copy of this function customize it to your needs and apply it to WooCommerce actions

    add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_processing', "MY_adext_wc_payments_order_paid" );
    add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', "MY_adext_wc_payments_order_paid" );

    Hmm that should be pretty much it.

    Thread Starter xentar


    Thanks a lot, Greg. Thats a good lead!
    Btw, no sure, but looks like your contact form (on your website) isn’t working as should. Check it. Sent you a msg some time ago with another question, but no answer.

    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    Hmm seems there is some problem with the contact form i will try troubleshooting it, in the meantime you can paste your second question here or if it has some private information send it using FB https://www.facebook.com/wpadverts/

    Thread Starter xentar


    No problem. Already found how to do it. I wanted to style different classifieds based on the product payed, found out that woocomerce added a meta with the product id, so used that.

    Anyway, need a hand with a second thing, well… is the extend button.
    This is what i did:
    On manage edit i edited the update to extend button if the post was expired. This one called the same function of edit but instead, change the action to “extend” instead of “update”, and that activate the other function for the cart, etc… Its work fine, but the problem is… what happen if i want to change my listing? The action kidnap the process and skip the save… Any suggestion?

    Btw, you forgot to add this on adext_wc_payments_form_load:

    // do not show payment options when editing Ad.
    $id = adverts_request( “advert_id” );
    $ad = get_post( $id );
    if( intval($id) && $ad && in_array($ad->post_status, array(“publish,expired”) ) ) {
    return $form;

    Thread Starter xentar


    Too bad i can’t edit. Actually, figured how to do it… sometimes i forget the most elemental function call… i was tired, hehe.

    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    Ok great, i am closing this thread then.

    Thanks for the suggestion i will implement it in next WooCommerce integration update.

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