• Hello,

    I am having a problem with the images on my WordPress site and can’t work out how to stop the undesired behaviour.

    First of all I am using a theme called Om from Themeforest but I do not believe it is theme related. The theme creates two new image sizes in Settings>Media, one of which defines the featured image size (set at 1940×9999).

    All the featured images that I upload, I make sure they are 1940 wide by * high and also that they are optimized. WordPress, however, recreates the image and names it ‘featuredimage-thumb-1940×1140.jpg’ and the image is the same size as the original but increased from 400kb to around 1.1MB.

    Is there any way to make the theme use the original image (yes I know this is theme related) or preferably make sure WordPress creates the thumbnail with a reasonable file size ?

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  • Honestly, no idea.
    But a workaround would be a plugin designed to optimize your images with smart recompression, did you consider the option ?
    I remember the name wp-smush-it, and there are several other ones doing the same, either free or paying.

    I’m having very similar issue. I have tried several plugins including;
    Canvas Image Resize
    WP Smush
    Resize Image After Upload
    there were a few more, but I forgot them all.
    Some plugins resize the image in dimensions as per settings, but filesize is still larger than the original. Some plugins don’t work on the resize settings, but still upload a huge filesize.

    I am looking at the original image filesize, it was 200k before uploading. After uploading in the Media area filesize is 1M.
    Tried on several sites, 3 different themes, multiple WP versions.

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