• Hi!

    Your plugin is wonderful! I’m just having this problem: added the custom post type next to post, like this “post, knowledge_base” which is a post type created by the Helper theme. When saved it shows the following error: “Error: The post type ” knowledge_base” couldn’t be saved, because it isn’t registered.”. Shouldn’t it be registered already as it is created and shoing in its custom menu in the admin. If not, what should I do? It’s the last step fo making the plugin work with this theme.



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  • Plugin Author Devtard


    Hello. Hmm, that’s interesting, since APT uses the WP function post_type_exists() to check whether a post type is registered. This probably isn’t the best solution, but you can always remove the check from the code like this (main .php file, line 3731):

    foreach($apt_submitted_post_types_array as $apt_single_post_type_index => $apt_single_post_type){
    	if(!in_array($apt_single_post_type, $apt_new_post_types_array)){
    		array_push($apt_new_post_types_array, $apt_single_post_type); //add the post type to the array if it isn't there already
    	} //-if post type isn't in the settings array
    } //-foreach
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