• I’m seeing an increasing number of blogs when in order to comment, you have to be logged in.

    Does asking would-be commentors to jump through this hoop justify itself in a reduction in comment spam ? And if it does, is that reduction worth having less ‘drive-by’ comments ?

    (Fwiw, for blogs where I comment a lot, I register. For other blogs, this is effectively a barrier)

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  • unfortunately, this seems to be the last resort.

    It is very bad to wakeup in the morning, feel excited about the comments, login and be disappointed to find that there are all spams.

    To my horror, on my blog it is not even an effective last resort!

    I have comments closed to unregistered users (and always have had it that way) but I just got a spam comment for moderation ??

    How can this be? What security loophole is there on my website? I cannot for the life of me, find anything about this on the internet or this forum. Has anyone experienced this before?

    WP 2.0.5 with “Users must be registered and logged in to comment” and “Moderator must approve comment” checked.
    No other comment spam filters actived (nor needed so far…)

    AH! Found it!

    It was not a comment, but a trackback or pingback!

    Walks like a comment, talks like a comment, but is no comment… Very confusing ??

    Read more on https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/79886

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