• Hello,

    This is my website https://govbooks.in.

    The issue is when users register in website, they successfully registered but not getting any email from website for successfully registration.

    Signup button is top left corner.

    Please help me out, i need to fix asap.


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  • Do other parts of your website that send emails work? I don’t see a “contact us” form on your site but if you reset your password, do you get an email? If not, then it may be an SMTP setting that you could inquire with your hosting company about.

    Same issue here. I’m on WP 4.4.1. All other email functionality works fine (I’m using SMTP to a remote host for all my email handling). Contact forms work, I get a confirmation email when a user subscribes, and the user get an email when they need to reset their password. However, the initial user registration email is not working. Any thoughts?

    Identical challenge here that was never resolved: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/registration-emails-not-being-sent?replies=4

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