• On my website I am required to ask my customers, who are purchasing tickets, their birthday. Previously, before I was using WooCommerce, I figured out a way to generate the birth day/month/year in a dropdown using PHP. I am now having difficulty doing the same thing on WooCommerce.
    I imagine there are two solutions to this problem. Either would be fine for me, although the latter would be ideal:

    From my understanding the ‘Date’ type select in Poor Guys Swiss Knife only allows you to choose a future date. It would be great to be able to choose a date from the past, thus my customers would be able to choose their birthday.


    A way that I can still use my PHP code that generates the day/month/year in a dropdown.
    Perhaps the ‘Woocommerce Checkout Billing Section’ of Poor Guys Swiss Knife plugin would have an advantage with having a select type that lets me input my php code to generate the options.
    For instance, here is my code to generate the months:

    <?php for ($x=1;$x<=12;$x++){ ?><option value="<?php echo $x; ?>"><?php setlocale(LC_TIME, 'lt_LT'); echo strftime( "%b", mktime(0, 0, 0, $x, 1) ); ?></option>

    Unless anyone would be kind to explain to me how I can use my code in the theme Functions.php file.



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