• Resolved thecreator01


    Hello, I created a registration form and I manually approve the registrations, but when a user registers and I confirm the registration, this user is added to both the users of the wordpress multisite network and the users of the main site. Shouldn’t it be added only to multisite network users?

    Site registration is disabled and the “Don’t create a user in the network’s main site” option is active, but the user is still added to the main site’s users.

    Finally, where can we customize the “Account Activated” email after registration confirmation?

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  • Plugin Support Dmytro – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @thecreator01,

    I hope you’re going good today!

    Shouldn’t it be added only to multisite network users?

    I see what you mean. We are discussing this with the developers, and will be updating you after it’s been checked more thoroughly.

    Finally, where can we customize the “Account Activated” email after registration confirmation?

    Forminator doesn’t have an option for customizing such emails. You do this, by adding a PHP code snippet as a must use plugin.

    Please test the following example:

    add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'new_mail_from_name');
    //Here is where the new sender name goes:
    function new_mail_from_name($old) {
    	return 'New Sender Name';
    add_filter( 'wpmu_signup_user_notification_subject', 'my_activation_subject', 10, 4 );
    function my_activation_subject( $text ) {
    //Here is where to input the new subject for the activation email:
    	return 'Customize me: Your account needs activation.';
    add_filter('wp_mail', 'my_custom_email_message', 10, 1);
    function my_custom_email_message($args){
        if( strpos( $args['message'], 'To activate your user' ) !== false ){
            $args['message'] = str_replace('To activate your user, please click the following link:',
            'Part 1', // text before the activation link
            $args['message'] = str_replace('After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.',
            'Part 2', // text after the activation link
        return $args;

    – save this code in your text editor as a PHP file, for example: custom-user-registration-template-forminator.php.

    Customize the sender name by changing this:
    'New Sender Name'

    Change the main subject in this part:
    'Customize me: Your account needs activation.'

    Finally, change the mail body parts before and after the activation link on these lines:

    'Part 1', // text before the activation link

    'Part 2', // text after the activation link

    Save the file, and upload it to /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory, in order for it to run.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter thecreator01


    Hello, thank you very much for your help. @wpmudevsupport16

    I will try the Mu plugin and I am looking forward to your message about member registration. Because adding the member to both the main site and the network causes some problems.

    However, for example, when site registration is enabled and a member registration is confirmed, the site is created and the user is simply added to the network. However, when site registration is disabled, users who do not have a site should only be added to the network.

    Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by thecreator01.
    Plugin Support Dmytro – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @thecreator01,

    Please test adding the following snippet, which should help as a workaround in case of the manual approval:

    add_action( 'forminator_activate_user', 'wpmudev_remove_user_main_site', 10, 2 );
    function wpmudev_remove_user_main_site( $user_id, $signup_meta ) {
        $data = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data;
        if ( 1043 !== intval( $data['form_id'] ) ) {
        remove_user_from_blog( $user_id );

    – replace 1043 with your current form ID here.

    Save it in your text editor as a PHP file, and upload it to /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory on the server, so that it runs as a must use plugin.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter thecreator01



    add_action( 'forminator_activate_user', 'wpmudev_remove_user_main_site', 10, 2 );
    function wpmudev_remove_user_main_site( $user_id, $signup_meta ) {
    $data = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data;
    if ( 1043 !== intval( $data['form_id'] ) ) {
    remove_user_from_blog( $user_id );

    Hello, thank you very much for your help. This code worked as I wanted. @wpmudevsupport16

    But when I tried the user registration email mu-plugin there was no change. I think we are configuring the wrong email. The email I want to customize is the “Account activated” email sent to the user when we confirm a user registration in forminator.

    Example email;

    Dear xxx,

    Your account on Mainsite has been activated! Please find your login details below.

    Login page: https://exapmle.com/login

    Username: xxx

    Password: Use the password that you submitted when registering your account, or set a new password at the link below.

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @thecreator01

    To customize that e-mail you’d need to use WP core “wp_mail” filter and “recognize” the message by its subject line.

    Code like this would let you do this:

    add_filter( 'wp_mail', 'forminator_activate_mail_customize', 10, 1 );
    function forminator_activate_mail_customize( $args ) { 
    	if ( strpos( $args['subject'], 'Account Activated' ) !== false ) {
    		$msg = "your message here"; // set/construct your messaage here
    		$args['message'] = $msg;
    	return $args;

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter thecreator01


    Hello, thank you very much again for your help and this code worked. @wpmudev-support8

    But I guess I can’t change this email title. Because when I customize the “Account Activated” text in the code, mu-plugin does not work.

    Also, can all default email templates in WordPress be customized with this method?

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @thecreator01

    Thanks for response!

    But I guess I can’t change this email title. Because when I customize the “Account Activated” text in the code, mu-plugin does not work.

    You can customize title but not in this line of code

    if ( strpos( $args['subject'], 'Account Activated' ) !== false ) {

    This line is not for customization but to “recognize” what e-mail is being currently sent. So first you need to detect which email is it and only customize it after that.

    So if you want to customize both content and title of this particular e-mail, you’d need to replace this part of code

    if ( strpos( $args['subject'], 'Account Activated' ) !== false ) {
    		$msg = "your message here"; // set/construct your messaage here
    		$args['message'] = $msg;

    with this

    if ( strpos( $args['subject'], 'Account Activated' ) !== false ) {
    $subject = "your new e-mail title/subject here" // set your new message subject here
    		$msg = "your message here"; // set/construct your messaage here
    $args['subject'] = $subject;
    		$args['message'] = $msg;

    Also, can all default email templates in WordPress be customized with this method?

    You could, yes. But by “template” do you mean message content or an actual template as in “how the e-mail looks”?

    If it’s actual template, it would be better to just use a dedicated plugin for that. There are quite a few such plugins around, including our own free Branda that includes “email templates” feature.


    Best regards,

    Thread Starter thecreator01


    Hello, thank you very much for your help. This code works really well.

    You can, yes. But by “template” do you mean the message content or an actual template like “what the email looks like”?

    Yes, I’m actually talking about message content and using Branda. Branda allows me to edit many email contents, but I think I will have to use mu-plugin for WordPress core emails.

    Plugin Support Nebu John – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @thecreator01,

    I am afraid the content of the WordPress core emails cannot be changed using Branda. Branda allows you to use pre-designed email templates or your own HTML template, but it does not modify the email content. For changing the content of the default WordPress emails, please use a dedicated plugin or the custom code mentioned.

    An example plugin that you can try: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/bnfw/

    Kind Regards,
    Nebu John

    Plugin Support Dmytro – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @thecreator01,

    I hope you are doing good today!

    As there has been no reply from you recently, I will be marking this thread as resolved. Please let us know if you still have any questions.

    Best Regards,

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