Hi @baparks
By default we are only displaying the buttons in places where the wp_login_form action was used to create the login form (like on the /wp-login.php page – and you can see the buttons appear there).
If you mean your sign in popup window, then there our buttons will not be rendered. When the login form is customized, the hooks which are used to call in other codes aren’t existing, so in that case you could use the shortcode of the buttons:
What you have there now is not related to use (it is probably from your theme), thus it may not work, but either way if you want to use our buttons, and social login there, you need to publish the buttons with the shortcode:
And this will render the social login buttons of all verified and enabled providers. If you did this, but the shortcode does not appear, then perhaps you have a cache or other optimization plugin that could interfere (or an HTML error, which seems to be the case). As a test, you could create a test page where nothing is, and publish the buttons there using the shortcode, and see if that works. For now, what I see in the source of the homepage, is that it has HTML errors. You could check this in a HTML validator, or in Firefox even. This could result in problems you are seeing, so you must ensure the HTML of the given page is valid.
In the meantime I checked the login through the /wp-login.php page with Google, and the login there worked fine for me.
Facebook and X did not – so you should test these providers again on our backend, and fix any errors you receive – you can find help for the most common errors on the website page of the given provider:
However, I cannot check TikTok and Paypal, as on this forum we cannot provide support for commercial products, including the Pro Addon. If you would have questions related to those as well, please rather contact us through our support form here: