Registration submission message
Can the message received after submitting registration be changed? It currently says ‘To finish activating your account, check your inbox for our welcome message and confirm your email address’. As we’re not sending that email it’s a little confusing for anyone registering.
Not finding that string in our plugin or BuddyPress core at all. Possible that it’s from a different active plugin?
Kindly anybody help me pz i install this bp registration plugin niw plz anybody tell me step by step what i do next i actuvate plugin and save general settings now next what can i do how i add this registration form on my site tell me step by step
Two things:
1. Please start your own forum threads.
2. We don’t provide the registration form for the site, we rely on BuddyPress core to handle that part. What we do is tack on some user meta to the users when moderation is required, and limit them in various ways depending on the “Private Network” setting. They receive full capabilities to the extent of their user settings, once approved.Bro i ask one this i install Buddypress registration option plugin and after activate it i save general settings and now i dont know what is next step what can do with plugin because i cannot find any registration page on my site how tp use this plugin tell me step by step
There’s not much to it, “bro”. ??
The things you see at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp_registration_options are the only settings available at the present version. The rest is all automated until you start getting people registering.
First checkbox, “Moderate New Members” basically says “put them in queue until I approve them.” They can SEE the BuddyPress/bbPress areas, but the UI to interact with the community portions are hidden to the best of our ability. We don’t claim 100%, we claim as much as we have managed thus far. “Browse only” mode.
The second checkbox, “Only registered or approved members can view BuddyPress/bbPress pages (Private Network)” restricts the users to just their profiles. They can’t see the activity areas, or groups, or anything like that. It’s a step above the first checkbox. “No browse” mode.
Third checkbox is new as of 4.3.0, and relates to using BuddyPress notifications to indicate new signups.
The textareas, are simply default values you can use for various messages, and you can customize those to whatever you want them to say.
Now, once you get a signup that needs moderated, the 2nd tab comes into play. There it’ll list the pending members. An avatar if they have one available, their user name, the email they signed up with, the date the user was created, and some basic additional information. You’ll have buttons to approve or deny the user. If approved, they’ll be moved out of the moderation list and be able to interact with the social areas of the website finally. If you deny, the user gets removed from the WP install. The ban button is disabled on purpose, and is not implemented yet, I need to release a 4.3.1 version to re-hide it, it slipped through accidentally.
That’s all there is to our plugin here. The actual registration/activation still goes through BuddyPress itself.
Sir thats the point i ask you where is my registration page how i creat it via this bp registration option plugin because these is no shortcode to create registration page how i get started
See i install plugin and save setting now next step tell me step by step
Our plugin doesn’t do handle any of the actual user registration itself. See my last sentence in my last reply:
“The actual registration/activation still goes through BuddyPress itself.”
That’s details you’d need to set up with BuddyPress, regardless of the presence of our plugin here. We don’t do any shortcodes for a registration form or anything like that.
Hopefully that clears up lingering confusion.
Sir one more question i wish my user or visitors when register on my site thy register direct from my site and my site logo page will be open if user press register button not WordPress
I made my sitw on wordpress and when i use plugin any plugin for registration its register on wordpress nit my site i wish my members see my site dashboard whoch i provide and they see my site profile and others pages if theri any plugin which will fullfill my desire
I hoe you understand due to this i install Bp registration option plugin but i have no experience how to use this plugin will you plz tel myhow i add this plugin into my site step by step or imagesYes you right i accpt this user register through buddypress but not see my WordPress page they can oy see buddypreess page which i will selected how it is possible
Im newbie you understand my feelings i have no knowledge about this plugin i just want “user register from my site and they will see my site dashboard or pages which is selected not see WordPress dashboard or any other page just see my site my site dashboard and my site confirmation email not wordpress i dont want to see WordPress a sine thing or WordPress i dont want see how it is possible
Ok What is this plugjn bp registration option and how i use it and set up it
If you have some dashboard as you state above, that isn’t a WordPress site that has BuddyPress or bbPress installed, then this plugin isn’t likely going to work for you. The plugin will have zero knowledge of this dashboard of yours, and it was not built with that type of extra dashboard in mind.
Thanks Michael.
I fired off the same question to the theme folk and it’s indeed coming directly from the theme. For any who need assistance, these were the steps I followed to make the changes.
You will need to make customization inside Onesocial / template-parts / site-register.php
Copy this file and paste inside Onesocial-child / template-parts (you’ll need to create ‘template-parts’ folder if doesn’t exist already)
<p class=”express”><?php _e( ‘To finish activating your account, check your inbox for our Welcome message and confirm your email address.’, ‘onesocial’ ); ?></p>
<p class=”express”><?php _e( ‘ YOUR MESSAGE .’, ‘onesocial’ ); ?></p>
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