• Hello All – After upgrading to 3.6 new users are not getting the welcome emails with them after registering on my site.

    I tried searching for this but I kept coming back to posts 6 or 7 years ago. I also looked in the 3.6 master list and was not listed. I did follow the instructions on disabling all plug-ins, re-installing the 3.6, changing theme, etc. and non of this worked. I tested this on a clean install of WP 3.6 on another domain that I have and exact same results.

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  • Have you reviewed E-mailed passwords are not being received? There were no changes to email passworded in WP 3.6, so I suspect that the upgrade was a coincidence.

    The password email function (and comment notification) stopped working in my WordPress install after upgrading to 3.6. I was told that class-phpmailer.php handled those functions and on checking that file see that it was upgraded from 5.2.1 to 5.2.4.

    I removed the class-phpmailer.php version 5.2.4 and replaced it with version 5.2.1 (from a wordpress installation I had not yet upgraded) and the password email function (as well as comment notification) started working again.

    Not sure what changed in class-phpmailer.php (wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php) but replacing it with older version fixed the issue for me.

    Digging some more I noticed that phpmailer.php change log indicated the following:

    Fixes for qmail when sending via mail()


    My host uses Qmail. I went ahead and grabbed a copy of phpmailer.php current version 5.2.6 and replaced the version contained in the WordPress download (5.2.4) and that corrected the password email and comment notification sending issues.

    You can get the current version here:

    JaxWeather… Worked like a charm doing the class-phpmailer.php update. Makes total sense as to why this wasn’t working on 3.6. I am on 1and1 hosting and was having the same issue until I read this.

    Great work and thank you!

    I reported this as a bug and it appears set to be corrected with an update when WordPress 3.7 is released.

    Glad you got things going in the interim


    update, this has stopped working for me. Investigating now.

    Ok, so I revisited the class.phpmailer.php GitHub page and noticed that it had changed AGAIN only 4 days ago.

    Two things wrong with the updated code, but after some trial and error, I was able to ascertain the culprit.

    First mistake: No closing “?>” at the end of the file (class.phpmailer.php).
    Second mistkae: Line 1020…
    require_once $this->PluginDir . 'class.smtp.php';

    Should be: require_once $this->PluginDir . 'class-smtp.php';

    class HYPHEN smtp

    This was throwing a php error. Only caveat so far, when a new user registers… it hangs for a bit before the registration actually processes. It also sends the site admin email right away but you have to wait for the page to finish loading for the user email to send. Which takes a bit too long for me.

    Thank you JaxWeather you saved my blog ??

    “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.”

    Well thank you iraq.enki ??

    Glad it helped,

    Help me
    I have updated the class-phpmailer.php from version 5.2.4 to 5.2.7 and also downgrade to 5.2.1, and then now I re-updated to 5.2.7 version, but the problem is still there, my wordpress still not send registration email.
    Please help.
    My client wordpress site is https://vi.vnlgbt.com. Im using godaddy host and email.
    Thank you


    phpmailer.php version 5.2.7 introduces yet another issue based on what I have been able to determine and you would want to try using phpmailer.php 5.2.6 from here:


    As an aside, not including a closing php tag (?>) at the end of a file is considered a best practice and is not an error. Primarily because inadvertent white space after the closing tag can cause problems. https://www.google.com/search?q=php+best+pracitce+closing+tag

    Help me again.
    I have downloaded the 5.2.6 and unzip it. And then I have upload 3 files class.phpmailer.php, class.pop3.php and class.smtp.php to my host.
    And then I try 3 ways,
    First, rename class.phpmailer.php to class-phpmailer.php and replace the current file. It not work.
    Second, rename class.phpmailer.php, class.pop3.php and class.smtp.php to class-phpmailer.php, class-pop3.php and class-smtp.php and replace the current files. It not work.
    Third, delete class-phpmailer.php, class-pop3.php and class-smtp.php, and then upload class.phpmailer.php, class.pop3.php and class.smtp.php version 5.2.6. It still not work.
    Did I do anything wrong?
    And now I dont know how to correct the problem. Now I’m keeping 3 files class.phpmailer.php, class.pop3.php and class.smtp.php on my host. You can try to test it via https://vi.vnlgbt.com/wp-admin.
    Thank you for your help.

    All I ever did with this issue was copy the contents of phpmailer.php and replaced the contents of class-phpmailer.php in my WordPress installation and that corrected my issues, so maybe your issue is unrelated?


    Thank you, Bob.
    It maybe because I’m using 3.6.1 version wordpress. I have found other people have the same problem and cannot fix it by your way.
    How can I downgrade to 3.6?

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