• Hello folks,
    I’d like to use the register link on various different pages.
    I’ll tried to copy the code from widget_out.php (default, modal and divs-only) and I get the widget options, which also work for remember pwd, etc but not for register. Ajax works but when I click on register there’s no way to pop-down the new registration window. Any suggestions? Thanks,



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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    just to confirm, you already turned-on or allowed membership in your site?

    Thread Starter i.marino


    Yes Angelo, when I use the normal widget everything works fine. I’d like just to put the register button on other pages in order to allow the pop-up window to come down for registration.

    Thread Starter i.marino


    Solved with the following code:

    <div class="lwa lwa-default"><?php //class must be here, and if this is a template, class name should be that of template directory ?>
            <form class="lwa-form" action="<?php echo esc_attr(LoginWithAjax::$url_login); ?>" method="post">
            	<span class="lwa-status"></span>
                    <tr class="lwa-submit">
                        <td class="lwa-submit-links">
                            <?php if ( get_option('users_can_register') ) : ?>
    						<br />
    						<a href="<?php echo esc_attr(LoginWithAjax::$url_register); ?>" class="lwa-links-register lwa-links-modal"><?php esc_html_e('Register','login-with-ajax') ?></a>
                            <?php endif; ?>
    		<?php if( get_option('users_can_register') ): ?>
    		<div class="lwa-register lwa-register-default lwa-modal" style="display:none;">
    			<h4><?php esc_html_e('Register For This Site','login-with-ajax') ?></h4>
    			<p><em class="lwa-register-tip"><?php esc_html_e('A password will be e-mailed to you.','login-with-ajax') ?></em></p>
    			<form class="lwa-register-form" action="<?php echo esc_attr(LoginWithAjax::$url_register); ?>" method="post">
    				<span class="lwa-status"></span>
    				<p class="lwa-username">
    					<label><?php esc_html_e('Username','login-with-ajax') ?><br />
    					<input type="text" name="user_login" id="user_login" class="input" size="20" tabindex="10" /></label>
    				<p class="lwa-email">
    					<label><?php esc_html_e('E-mail','login-with-ajax') ?><br />
    					<input type="text" name="user_email" id="user_email" class="input" size="25" tabindex="20" /></label>
    				<?php do_action('register_form'); ?>
    				<?php do_action('lwa_register_form'); ?>
    				<p class="submit">
    					<input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Register', 'login-with-ajax'); ?>" tabindex="100" />
    		        <input type="hidden" name="login-with-ajax" value="register" />
    		<?php endif; ?>
    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    thanks for sharing.

    Thread Starter i.marino



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