I removed that shortcode, but now the link, when clicked, does not take me to the actual link.
Here is the code for the page:
[yadawiki link=”https://br.canyoufindmenow.com/knowledgebase/using-publicity-to-increase-your-income/” show=”Using Publicity To Increase Your Income”]<br><br>
[yadawiki link=”https://br.canyoufindmenow.com/knowledgebase/capital-gains-tax-pending-fiscal-cliff-disaster/” show=”Capital Gains Tax – Pending Fiscal Cliff Disaster”]
The link for the first article listed on the Articles page for this title: Using Publicity To Increase Your Income now doesn’t have the link shown above, but has this code: https://br.canyoufindmenow.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=yada_wiki&post_title=http%3A%2F%2Fbr.canyoufindmenow.com%2Fknowledgebase%2Fusing-publicity-to-increase-your-income%2F
How can we fix?
Are you available for a phone call? I’m in Los Angeles.
Are you available to get this set up for me for a fee? What might that be?
Thank you, David