Regular Price and Selling Price settings
Above all many thanks for this great plugin. I think it is really useful also for people working with b2b markets. it solved me a lot of troubbles
I have installed such plugin: after that, i installed also some VAT management plugins and “User Role Editor” by Vladimir, in order to setup different user roles which will allow me to create more than two user role with resctricted access ability to WP CMS ( for example Wholesaler1, wholesaler2…etc.etc pricelist). However i have some troubbles in setting regular prices and selling prices.
namely, i setted a “wholesaler” Pricelist. However, if i write only regular prices , without adding selling prices, plugin do not works, i.e. display the normal price added in woocommerce. The same happens if i add selling prices without regular price. the plugin work only if i write both regular price and selling price , whose amount must be lower than regular price.
the problem with such setting is that the logged user, will always see a label “For Sale” switched on each product. what i have to do if i only want to insert a regular price on a product without showing “for sale” label on it?Thks in advance.
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