• I have made a small remake of Ben Gillbanks Regulus 2 theme for my blog. The reason is I’m the kind of guy who wants lots of things without making it crowded ??

    I’d like to get some constructive criticism here.
    I am aware that it doesn’t fully validate though, so you don’t need to. I’m working on it.
    Come have look and have your say.
    I use it at https://petitpub.com/blog/

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  • work on it.

    is it going to be released for free ?


    dunnno what changed… Can you make it work with XDForum?

    Thread Starter petit


    sadish: Thanks, I will. I may make it downloadable if it reaches maturity. T o make a theme downloadable it must first pass some tests for reliability and XHTML validity.
    I’m planning to write a tutorial on how I changed it from two to three columns.

    josepo: Sorry, I forgot to say I changed the theme from two to three columns. Slipped my mind. I don’t know about the XDForum, I’ll check that out.

    Thanks guys for checking!

    All: I’m sure I could take some more reviews if you are so inclined ??

    I’d really need the XDForum fix ??


    Thread Starter petit


    Well josepo, you kidnapped my thread I guess.
    I was hoping for some feedback on my redesign here.
    But I’ll be a kind guy ( as always ;).
    Have you visited this thread https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/47740?

    There seems to be solutions even if I don’t think they have to do with themes.

    Thread Starter petit


    Last call for comments!
    It’d be nice ??
    ( I won’t bump this again -promise )

    I like it… is that a four column theme, or the right sidebar is just one column? Send me a link to download it

    Thread Starter petit


    bolonki: Thanks!
    It is built on the Regulus 2 theme, which you can find here at Bens site. It has a broad content area to the left and a sidebar to the right. The lower part of the sidebar is divided into two narrower columns, but the main design has really two columns.
    My modification is to add a third column and place to the left, adjusting the width of the main container and the sidebars to make them fit within an 800 pixel width.

    At this point I don’t have a downloadable version, as I have to clean up the templates and the CSS and make it validate ( CSS and XHTML ).

    I’ll be back on the Themes subject when it is OK.

    Thread Starter petit


    Well, I’m back again. The Regulus 2 theme by Binarymoon is a 2 column theme with very good structure, and an admin page to select color scheme and header image, and to choose what widgets ( calendar, blogroll, latest posts, etc ) you want to show in your sidebar.

    I have done some chages to it.
    First of all added a second sidebar to the left. Minimal changes to the stylesheet allow for the 2 to 3 column cahnge, still usable on an 800 by 600 pixel screen.

    I have also added print styles to the end of the stylesheet – in effect hiding header and sidebars and relaxiing the width constraints of the content area. This allows for effective printing of content.

    I have added a contact page template to the theme. To use it you create a page with contact as template – add some test if you like.

    The 3 column variant is not officialy released, and some more styling is needed, but is approaching prime time.
    The original author should have his say, I think, as this variant doesn’t have a “new theme” status.

    You can see the theme in action at PetitOn and download it for test here.

    Read the original theme’s changes.txt and my readme.txt for my changes and how to use some of the mew items.

    If you have comments or find som peculiarities, plese drop me a line.

    Here is what I like from a quick glance:

    – It is well-laid out and clear
    – It has a nice balance of “busy”
    – Nice Flickr show!

    Here is what I don’t like:

    – There’s too much space on the borders so it seems as if everything is being squeezed into the center.

    The above can also apply to other themes that I’ve seen. A lot of themes seems to “waste” a huge amount of border especially when it comes to a three-column design.

    Just my opinion…I’m a n00b.

    Thread Starter petit


    Thanks IronMac for your opinion! It’s always good to get the views from other WP bloggers.
    About too much space on the borders, I guess you are referring to space outside the three columns. If you have a high resolution screen, the content area may seem not to use your screen real estate in an efficient manner.

    My intention here, is that readers with 800 by 600 pixel screen resolution should be able to see everything without horizontal scrolling.

    Another way to accomplish this, and still make good use of high resolution screens, would be to relax the fixed width, and use a floating layout.

    Hello petit, yes, you’re quite right…was reading a couple of other posts and didn’t realize the situation with 3-column themes and 800×600 resolutions. Good job!

    Thread Starter petit


    Thanks! It will take a while to iron out the last quirks on my modification, and the I’ll release the three column Regulus in a mre orderly manner.

    Hello Petit, the theme is looking good! My observation however, is that you have an excellent shot at coming up with the truly awesome 3 column professional theme that everyone would adopt, which is none other than Weblogs Inc’s design. check it out any of their blogs, engadget.com, luxist.com, tuaw.com, autoblog.com etc. I think three column design cannot get any more functional than that. Your theme could use more white, a bit more width (the main column needs to be at least 420px wide to accomodate youTube, etc). and both the header and footer could be thinner. And a box on top of your two right sidebars would be just awesome…


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