• I just downloaded the install kit for wordpress and installed it originally in a /Apasu_blog…, but I wanted to change it to /blog… So I renamed the directory in hopes that it would work, but it didn’t. So I deleted the directory and reinstalled it into a /blog.html, but then it says ‘You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.’

    I thought clearing my webbrowser would work, it didn’t. Deleting the directory and restarting my filezilla, it didn’t. What can I do? I WANT it to be /blog… not /Apasu_blog…

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  • i added the line to the top of the .htaccess file.
    i get a prompt asking me if whether i want to open index.php as with different application or if i want to save the file.

    was i supposed to put the addhandler in the <ifModule> tag or before it
    like i did

    or did i just totally mess everything up

    Hi there,

    I’m having the same problem. I’m very new to all this so could anybody explain the steps to enable php5? I’m using cPanel X.



    Hi there,

    I had the same problem installing wordpress locally using MAMP. It was fixed by opening up the install file properly.

    I was originally trying to open it from this location:



    Idiot move, but wasted two hours of my life trying to figure out why I was getting your same error. Hopefully that saves someone else some time.

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