i want to create a community site for education.
when an user register he chose the school and the specialty and city ,
1- I want to relate school post type and class post type and city post type with users .
2- Every city can have one or more school and every school can have same and different classes.
3- in school page we can see all the classes and users and city related to that school.
4- in class page we can see all the schools and users and cities related to that classes.
5 in city page we can see all schools and users and classes related to that city.
My problem is that i cant make relashionship between users ans Custom post types , i am using the wp-types plugins , i can creat relationships between post types and other post types but not between users and post types , and the the developer of the plugin said that ” Currently this feature won’t be added as the wordpress API currently doesn’t support relationships between a CPT and a user.
So unless the API supports this then it won’t be added.