• Hi,
    The Related Posts carousel is really cool but I believe a Related Posts section with two rows and three columns and no carousel is more practical as the user basically doesn’t have to do anything (not even wait for the carousel to scroll) to see up to 6 related posts at a glance.
    Is this possible in Kadence? Thanks!

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  • hannah


    Can you link to an example of this?
    You can certainly submit a feature request here: https://www.kadencewp.com/kadence-blocks/feature-requests/


    Thread Starter lauratraveler


    @hannahritner I’ve tried to submit a feature request as suggested but I keep on getting a popup that says ‘Nonce check failed.’ Anyways, I don’t have an example of this since this doesn’t seem to be possible in Kadence right now. But as I mentioned above, it would be nice if instead of having a related posts gallery with handles and all, it would be possible to display 2 or 3 related post thumbnails + title in a row (and 3 related post thumbnails + title right under each other for mobile). This is something really basic and it’s something most websites already have. Actually, I’m sure the gallery is way more complicated than this. So for desktop we would have 2 rows with 2 or 3 related posts each and for mobile we would have 4 or 6 related posts one under the other. I hope this makes sense. Thanks!



    Hmmm, I’m not sure why you were unable to submit a feature request. Shopkit 2.0 actually allows you to add related products as a row rather than a carousel, but there isn’t an option for multiple rows. I’ll check in with the dev team and see if they have plan to add functionality like this.


    Thread Starter lauratraveler


    @hannahritner ShopKit seems to be for related products, not related posts, so I’m not sure this would work in my case. I don’t have a shop on my blog. I simply want to display the related posts under a blog post on a row (or 2) instead of as a gallery so if I have 3 related posts, all of them would show on mobile devices one under the other and as a row with 3 columns on desktop. Now, if it were possible to display more related posts on 2 rows instead of 1, that would be amazing.



    Hey Laura,
    Sorry, my brain has been in shop-kit mode. A workaround for posts would be to use Kadence Elements to add a grid to your post pages. You can specify which category of posts to show for each category. https://www.kadencewp.com/kadence-theme/knowledge-base/pro-addon/how-to-use-element-hooks/
    Note that this is only available in Pro.


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