Hi @willy210385 ,
For your case, you can kindly try our new plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wpc-smart-upsell-funnel/ and go to WPClever >> Smart Upsell Funnel to create rules like this: https://prnt.sc/aLupcWTW_9fj.
You will need to add a tag or put all low price items under the same category to define the rules easier.
You can set up how many items to be displayed and even set a new price for it if you want to give it away or discount.
However, since this is a new plugin, our developers are planning to add Upsell Funnel and Order Bump to mini-cart widgets such as Fly Cart popup, but until now, this feature hasn’t been introduced yet as our developers are quite overloaded with support requests during the sale seasons. You can follow us on social media to catch up with the chances in our plugins.
Right now the suggested items created by this rule can be visible on the cart and checkout pages.
Best regards.