• Hi WordPress team!

    I have a question about relative domain name in wp database.
    I would like to deploy my wordpress site (files + database) easily in many environments (local / dev / prod …)
    I use wp-cli with this command : wp search-replace <LOCAL_URL> <PROD_URL> --all-tables --verbose and I have this response :

    | Table                  | Column                | Replacements
    | wp_options        | option_value        | 10
    | wp_postmeta     | meta_value          | 10
    | wp_posts           | post_content        | 8
    | wp_posts           | guid                      | 349
    | wp_usermeta     | meta_value          | 1

    *Success: Made 378 replacements.*

    *Can I use relative url in my database to avoid having to do this command and only need to change siteurl & home value from options table ?* Why have I 349 replacements in wp_posts ? Why are not relative URLs stored in this table ? It would be easier if I had to change only siteurl and home value. Thx for your reply adn sorry for my english ??

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