Release: The Events Calendar 3.6
Hi folks! Just a heads up that we’ve launched The Events Calendar 3.6 as of today. While not as significant an overhaul has 3.5, there are a number of changes you should be aware of – you’ll probably want to review this blog post ( before applying the update to make sure you’ve covered all the bases.
In terms of a changelog, here’s what we’re looking at in 3.6:
- Added shortcode support to the before/after calendar HTML fields (thanks to aurelio on the forums for the idea!)
- Added facilities for easier customization of ticketing plugin attendee tables (thanks to Mike Z from Tuna Traffic and his awesome developer, Evan, for the assistance!)
- Added ability to remove entries from ticketing plugin attendee tables (thanks to user artworkcreative on the forum for the heads up!)
- Added support for various datepicker date formats in the front end (thanks to africaatlanta on the forums for getting the ball rolling on this!)
- Improved tribe bar handling of custom inputs (thanks to manishie on the forums for the report!)
- Improved datepicker namespacing in admin to avoid collisions with other plugins (thanks to jonathanhaswell for the report!)
- Improved user interface for event start/end times in the event editor (when working in 12hr format)
- Improved microformats implementation across multiple views (thanks to Kevin on the forums for the report!)
- Deprecated the meta walker and added new templates for the display of single event meta
- Fixed an incorrect redirect when visiting an event with the wrong date in the URL
- Addressed a bug that prevented correctly saving venue and organizer information when an event is saved
- Moved the iCalendar feed to the core The Events Calendar plugin
- Moved all HTML Markup (and the loop) to the List Widget template (thanks to cityofroundrock for the idea!)
- Now only enqueueing events-admin.css on appropriate Events Pages (thanks to verdipro on the forums for reporting this!)
- Fixed an issue where Category CSS classes were being removed from Events when in Responsive Mode (thanks to Andy Fragen for the report!)
- Fixed an issue where page 2 or more of past view on list view was inaccessible (thanks to Bob on the forums for reporting this!)
- Fixed an issue with double quotes being incorrectly escaped for tribe json function (thanks to laurasbeads on the forum for catching this!)
- Removed all obsolete references to hide-visibility.css (thanks to aljuk at for catching this!)
- Addressed gcal export files to add the Event Permalink to the Event Description when importing into Google Calendar
- Removed the hyperlink on the Featured image in the Event single template (thanks to bigriverseo for catching this!)
- Improved the ‘No Events Found’ messaging for various scenarios to more helpful and descriptive (thanks to morktron on the forums for the idea!)
- Fixed an issue where duplicate Prev/Next Nav elements would display in Photo & Map View when no events were found
- Moved Day view from Events Calendar PRO to The Events Calendar
- Fixed an issue where switching between views would show events from incorrect dates
- Fixed an issue where selecting a date in the Tribe Bar may not have desired results when object caching is on
- Added settings for specifying custom formats for dates that are displayed throughout the plugin
- Ordered events in the events RSS feed by event date, rather than date of publication (thanks to everyone who requested this!)
- Removed “View Venue” links when Events Calendar PRO is not active
- Fixed a bug where each time you previewed an event with unsaved data, it could create duplicate Venues and Organizers (thanks to snorton on the forums for the heads up!)
- Remove Events dropdown from the admin bar when you’re in the network admin (thanks to @cfoellmann on GitHub for catching this!)
- Ensured that external links on the TEC row in the admin Plugins page now open in a new tab (thanks to @cfoellmann on GitHub for the idea!)
- Added a readme page for the Github repository
- Fixed an issue with multi-day All Day events were not showing at the top of Day view
- Fixed an issue where the iCal feed was exporting all events rather than the currently displaying events (thanks to Glenn on the forums for the report!)
- Added new Estonian translation files, courtesy of Andra Saimre
- Added updated German translation files, courtesy of Dennis Gruebner
- Added updated Swedish translation files, courtesy of Jonas Reinicke
- Added new Latvian translation files, courtesy of Raivis Dejus
- Added new Afrikaans translation files, courtesy of Liza Welsh
- Added updated Czech translation files, courtesy of Petr Bastan
- Added updated Greek translation files, courtesy of Yannis Troullinos
- Added new Danish translation files, courtesy of @bechster
Any questions, concerns or problems with the update? Post a new thread and we’ll do our best to get you sorted.
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