Released 1.1.0
A new release, bringing some much wanted features:
– multiple prices per event are now possible, see here
– you can now reorganize the “Add Event” admin view (hide some fields, change the sequence) by using the “Screen options” present in that page
– you can send mail to attendees for an event (pure text mails for now). Heed the warning: using this functionality to send mails to attendees can result in a php timeout, so not everybody will receive the mail then. This depends on the number of attendees, the load on the server, … . If this happens, use the CSV export link to get the list of all attendees and use mass mailing tools (like OpenOffice) for your mailing.The complete changelog:
* Feature: multiprice events are now possible (see wordpress site for explanation: price and booked seats need to be seperated by “||”). Also, for multiprice events, the min number of seats to book is always 0
* Feature: you can now send mails to all attendees for an event in the admin backend. This functionality has it’s own access right settings as well.
* Feature: revamped the edit/add event interface: you can now use wordpress ‘screen options’ in the admin page to decide which parts to show and in what sequence
* Feature: added the possibility to use a print stylesheet called eme_print.css in your theme style dir
* Feature: shortcode events_ical_link now has 3 extra options: scope, author and contact_person
* Feature: the creation and modif date can now be shown for the bookings list (when using #_BOOKINGS) via 2 new placeholders: #_BOOKINGCREATIONDATE and #_BOOKINGMODIFDATE
* Improvement: the price for each event is stored per booking now, so if the price changes afterwards it doesn’t affect the booking in question
* Improvement: ical format includes the timezone now
* Improvement: #ESC_ATT and #URL_ATT are now also recognized when looking for attributes definitions
* Improvement: the CSV export didn’t show the paid status
* Improvement: when editing a single event, delete buttons to edit the event and/or recurrence are now there (and asked for confirmation)
* Improvement: when trying to view a non-existing location, now also a 404 is returned (as for events)
* Improvement: in the backend, you can now choose wether or not mails are being sent when approving or changing registrations
* Bugfix: for recurrent events, the wanted date/time format was not being taken into account when being shown in the admin interface or when using #_RECURRENTDESC
* Bugfix: #_EVENTDETAILS has never been working (#_NOTES and #_DETAILS did work ok)
* Bugfix: according to wp_print_styles should not be used to enqueue styles or scripts on the front page. Use wp_enqueue_scripts instead.
* Bugfix: when converting a single event into a recurrence, the featured image was not kept
* Bugfix: English has 24-hour format, plus a jquery datepicker correction
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