• Resolved etasoft


    Hello , your plugin is excellent, great job!!!!

    in previous versions , specifically in version 0.7, the widget loaded the content of their tabs only on first page loading. In latest versions , each time a tab is displayed on scrollbar, it seems the widget refreshes or recharges its content from its original source . In my case, I am showing the widget of social networks and this behavior causes an increase in unnecessary traffic.

    I would like to suggest an option to select if wit reload content tab every time the tab is shown or to select if all content tabs are loaded only the first time wit runs and then just display that content whenever the widget rotate the tabs without reloading

    best regards


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  • Plugin Author 404


    Hey there,
    Glad you like WIT.

    Actually, WIT has always loaded tabs contents only once. Perhaps the transition effects tricked into thinking the content is being loaded again and again.

    To make sure that no further requests are being sent to the server, open your browser’s developer tools, and check the network tab for a few seconds.

    Thread Starter etasoft


    hello Sulaiman, sorry for late response…

    your are right, WIT load tabs contents only one time, but the transition effects are a hack. The way to notice that is create a WIT widget, in my case, loading texts badgets of facebook, youtube and google+, i’m rotating in WIT these ones. and open the same page on internet explorer and firefox: using IE the transitions are ok, but on FF, on any transition, there a message on FF tab page title “conecting …”, it’s seems a reloading, but in my opinion, is the javascript under the transition related to new plugin’s features and the same old problem, css and js code running ok on a browser but not 100% compatable to another browser….

    a previous version: 0.7, dont have any problem on FF

    in fact, there is not a bug,
    another thing: on FF this trick conflict to “Popups – WordPress Popups” plugin

    best regards

    Plugin Author 404


    Hi again,

    Actually, there is no trick or hack, just cool features.

    I think one of your widgets is causing this issue. Have you tried WIT with other widgets?

    And yes, “Popups – WordPress Popups” does not work well with WIT. I’ll see what I can do about that.

    Thread Starter etasoft


    i agree, in fact there is not a bug

    here is WIT v0.7 => https://bit.ly/1z5pfnE , the transitions are ok, in both FF and IE

    here is WIT last ver = > https://bit.ly/1wwRWat , transitions are ok in IE, but seems reloading content on FF

    in fact they both sites have the same code on WIT contents, the only diff is the WIT last ver was updated as you release new versions

    thanks about “Popups – WordPress Popups”, maybe you can do something related that

    i think we can mark this topic as solved…

    best regards

    Plugin Author 404


    I took a look at your website, and yes, the content is being reloaded!

    It looks like an issue specific to social media badges. Every time WIT switches tabs, it also triggers other code to reload badge’s content. This should not happen.

    Thanks for reporting this bug. I’ll keep this post as unresolved until the bug is fixed in next releases.

    Thread Starter etasoft


    hi, thanks for visiting my web and notice the bug

    using last ver, https://bit.ly/1wwRWat , did you took in account the visualization of same page using FF and IE?, the plugin seems to behave differently according beem display on different browsers

    by other hand, if you like i can send you the code i’m using to show the badges, in order to help you to check the plugin, and also, i still have the code of 0.7 vers of plugin, in the other link of previuos reply where the reloading seems not executed

    thanks again, best regards

    Plugin Author 404


    Actually, it even reloads on IE (notice how Facebook avatars change). The issue is a conflict with badge’s code.

    If you can send me the code to show badges, that would speed things up. Thanks.

    Thread Starter etasoft


    code of badges: https://bit.ly/1t0ITMF

    3 text widgets on these order: Google+, Facebook, Youtube

    i hope it helps,

    thanks a lot

    Plugin Author 404


    The problem is caused by jQuery UI Effects module, introduced in version 1.0.

    I do not know what exactly is the problem. The easiest and quickest solution I can think of, is to introduce a new option to disable jQuery UI, and use jQuery’s built in effects.
    However, this will limit effects to only fade in/out and slide up/down.

    Thread Starter etasoft


    hello sulaiman, sorry for late response

    i think the solution you propose is a good idea (option to disable jquery ui), at the last, all depends the widget′s people put on WIT, in my case social media badges is not good to reloading on every transitions, but maybe other people colocate widgets related to post list or any other thing where reloading is optimus.

    as you told, disable jquery ui limit visual effects, but in some cases would be acceptable,

    a sugestion: i think would be convenient the option to disable jquery ui not be globally to plugin, else locally to each WIT widget..

    best regards

    Plugin Author 404


    Hi again,

    Your suggestion is a good one.
    Instead of disabling jQuery UI effects, we can just add classical effects (jQuery’s built in Fade & Slide effects).

    Please update to the new version and see if things work well now.

    Thread Starter etasoft


    hello Sulaiman

    just updated the plugin, and, on aparience/widgets, disabled “Animate WIT”, zero effects on transitions but the content is not reloading now, that′s excellent…, thanks you

    by the other hand, i still have to test if “Popups – WordPress Popups” works ok now, but, the important thing is do you resolute the bug, so i’ll mark this topic as resolved right now

    thanks a lot Sulaiman
    best regards

    Plugin Author 404


    Glad you like WIT.

    Kindly notice that you can also use ‘Classic Fade’ and ‘Classic Slide’ effects without the reloading problem.

    Have a nice day.

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