Continuing on – sorry to ask a bunch of questions but I think the general structure of the plugin needs elaborating as there is not much documentation.
Can you explain on how WP/LR sync works with keywords / tags / folder ID’s currently? – Do Keywords turn into tags based on all photos in the LR database?
Example: We have 1000 photos with one keyword and one photo with a 100 keywords. Will the result be 100 tags in WP/LR sync?
We desperate to get the galleries working on our site again I am considering stripping all the tags on our photos and re-uploading them via WP/LR sync. This may only have to be done with the photos with the most tags if the above logic is correct.
During the extension re-sync will the plug-in still create tags based on the old media keywords?
Since our end goal is simply galleries based on Lightroom folders – maybe you could suggest a better workflow? We are currently using WP/LR Sync -> WP Real Media Library -> Justified Image Grid.
If we do a reset with extensions option will it mess up all WP Real Media Library ID’s – which are used in the JIG galleries?
In terms of simplicity I feel the best option would be to reference the WPLR folders directly and not through two other plugins. I have been experimenting with your Meow Gallery plugin- but it seems limited- implementation using shortcodes and without the Glutenberg editor is a bit mysterious.
Can you explain the difference between the two shortcodes :
[wp-lr-collection=”XX”] shortcode and the [wp-lr-folder=”XX”] ?
Thank you – we are looking for the solution that is the most permanent and linked our structure of folders in Lightroom without the need for this re-sycing process
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