• Bit of a newbee here.

    I’ve searched WP settings to change and theme php files for code snippets others cited in the forums regarding author, date, comment removal/hiding in themes.

    I have Elbee Elgee theme. I was only able to disable comments by changing the page.php file.

    I can’t remove author and date.

    I looked in loop files, index, etc. I don’t recognize anything familiar.

    I want to only remove author & date in pages.

    Can someone pls help?

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  • Hi, thanks for the excellent theme.

    I’m sort of have the opposite issue. The date on my posts won’t show up. I don’t know if I changed some code that I wasn’t supposed to, but I can’t find where that would have happened.

    Here’s what I see on my posts:
    Posted by admin on | No Comments.
    Posted in Uncategorized

    I tried to locate where lblg_post_info() is defined to make sure I have the_time() but I can’t find it in any of the .php files.

    Thanks in advance for your help and I hope I was clear enough.

    That code is in includes/functions/hooks.php and it calls the_time('F jS, Y').

    What plugins do you have active? I’m thinking something is interfering with the_time().

    Wow, I just realized a site-wide date remover plugin was installed a while back when I was trying to remove the posted by and date info from certain pages. It’s a big site and it was about time I poured through all the plugins and cleaned them out.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Thanks again for helping me with that last issue.

    I have another question: How do I remove just the “Posted in Uncategorized” text below posts? I’d like to keep the author and date info but get rid of the category info.

    This reply by me, up-thread, should be enough to get you started.

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