• Shane


    I’m just starting to use wordpress
    I don’t know how to remove ‘by Shane Kelley’ from pages (Beginner) Focal Point Wide, a child theme of BASE.

    I am using it as my photography website – not as a blog (may add a blog page).

    ShaneKelleyPhotography.com – my site was previously set up and hosted by a web host friend.
    So I’m a COMPLETE beginner using wordpress – professional photographer – computer, mac & photoshop advanced level but zero knowledge of html.

    I also don’t want the widgets showing up at the bottom of the pages – just a clean photo website with slide show galleries – trying to figure out how to have the photos as slideshows not in a blog style list.

    Thanks so much for any help – challenging learning all this!


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  • Thread Starter Shane


    you’re awesome – it worked!

    Thank you very much?

    One quick question if you don’t mind – how do I get the photographs on each page to show up like a slideshow (as it’s my photo website not a blog) that people can start and stop (ideally with thumbnails along the side or bottom. Right now the pages look like blogs if i put more than one photo.

    Thread Starter Shane


    Putting this code

    .entry-meta {
    display: none;

    at the bottom of the parent theme CSS style sheet worked perfectly to
    remove the Author (by Shane Kelley) on each page.

    Thanks so much member deepbevel ??

    get this awsome plugin portfolio-slideshow

    also, if you ever need to specify meta by category
    you would add this, in single.php:

    <?php if (in_category('uncategorized')) { ?>

    just before this:

    <div class="entry-meta">
    <?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?>
    </div><!-- .entry-meta -->

    then put this after the above:

    <?php }?>

    together it looks like this:

    <?php if (in_category('uncategorized')) { ?>
    <div class="entry-meta">
    <?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?>
    </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
    <?php }?>

    Add the category which will show the meta where it says ‘uncategorized’. posts not in this category will not show meta, ones that are, will.

    This is for the twenty ten theme, so your single.php meta code may look a bit different.

    if you ever do it this way, remove the css you added before.

    sorry, didn’t catch where you were not using posts and categories. No matter, you can specify page slugs just the same, but in page.php, or loop-page.php, depending on theme.

    <?php if (is_page('page-slug')) { ?>
    (your meta/author code here
    <?php } ?>

    the page slug will be shown near the page title in the page editor.

    not sure about the test site reference, but I must agree they do “rule”. it’s good to make a wp site just for testing stuff.

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