Hello there.
All buttons added by UTMCE can be removed. However, in order to remove the icons that are added by WP, you would need a filter for each one of the first 2 rows. You would need a code like this:
/* Row 1 */
function userf_buttons_1($buttons) {
$remove = array('bold','italic');
foreach($remove as $rem) {
if ( in_array($rem, $buttons) )
unset($buttons[array_search($rem, $buttons)]);
return $buttons;
add_filter("mce_buttons", "userf_buttons_1");
/* Row 2 */
function userf_buttons_2($buttons) {
$remove = array('formatselect','underline');
foreach($remove as $rem) {
if ( in_array($rem, $buttons) )
unset($buttons[array_search($rem, $buttons)]);
return $buttons;
add_filter("mce_buttons_2", "userf_buttons_2");
Please note that, for each function, there is a $remove
array with some buttons as an example. What you need to do is replace the values of each one with the names of the buttons you would like to remove from the editor on a per row basis.
Here is a list of all the button handles added by WP on rows 1 and 2:
Row 1: bold, italic, strikethrough, bullist, numlist, blockquote, justifyleft, justifycenter, justifyright, link, unlink, wp_more, spellchecker, fullscreen.
Row 2: formatselect, underline, justifyfull, forecolor, pastetext, pasteword, removeformat, charmap, outdent, indent, undo, redo, wp_help.