• Hi. I need to remove some code from over 300 WordPress posts. Due to a bug in the DragonNaturally Speaking software, this extra code was added to posts. The problem is that Chrome is issuing a warning that this plugin type “x-dgnria” is deprecated, causing me to lose visitors. Additionally, Dragon says the code can lead to cross site scripting vulnerability.

    I have attempted to use the available “search and replace” plugins in WordPress but have not found one that will allow the use of wildcards. Here is the code:

    <div id=”nuan_ria_plugin”><object id=”plugin0″ style=”position: absolute; z-index: 1000;” width=”0″ height=”0″ type=”application/x-dgnria”><param name=”tabId” value=”ff-tab-67″ /><param name=”counter” value=”3010″ /></object></div>

    Threre a couple variables that require wildcards, like the “counter” value which is different for each post. Thank you!

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