You can remove the commas by going to your functions-folder under lib in your theme folder. There you’ll find a file called utility.php. The first section there is as follows:
/** Vortex Entry Meta Separator */
function vortex_entry_meta_sep() {
$output = '<span class="entry-meta-sep"> , </span>';
return $output;
Here simply remove the ” , ” from between the span-tags and the comma will be removed as well.
For the comment link, you’ll need to head to your content-single.php-file that is located in your theme folder. There, find this section:
<div class="entry-meta">
<?php echo vortex_post_date() . vortex_post_author() . vortex_post_comments() . vortex_post_sticky() . vortex_post_edit_link(); ?>
</div><!-- .entry-meta -->
Now, simply remove the vortex_post_comments() . portion of the code. Be sure to keep the spacing consistent as in the rest of the code.
I can’t speak for the black line because I don’t think my site has one. If you could link to your page, we could get to the bottom of that.
PS. I know I’m posting this 5 months after this question was posted but eh.