• Dear Sirs
    Error: The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content / uploads / 2014/12.
    Have your theme SilverOrchid installed on my Word Press.
    Lately the core files have been deleted conveniently causing constantly exceed the limit of my hosting space …… already cleaned and installed plugins … “Old Core Files, Disble Updates Manager etc, spoke several times with my space provider that has been clear unwanted core files, but this does not stop happening …. I do not know what to do … .. because I deleted the issues, and I updated some plugins that I still have … ..stop comments and users ……
    but still temporarily without space ….

    Would I can lend a hand?
    The site is: https://www.cibersul.org

    I look forward —- thanks
    Gabriel Quaresma

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  • First off, do not delete core files. Your site will need them one day, or it will give a huge amount of errors.

    If you don’t have enough space in your hosting account you have two options.

    1. Move your media files (images, videos, etc) to an off site Content Delivery Network (CDN) or another hosting server
    2. Upgrade your hosting account to give you more storage space
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