• I have written a script to automatically post youtube videos having custom field Name as ‘thumbnail’ and Value as ‘thumbnail url of youtube video’.

    but the problem is all the custom field values are getting saved when I try to add a new post. I mean when I open ‘post-new.php’ all the custom field values that have been posted for the youtube videos are already there.

    is there a way I can remove all the custom fields from ‘post-new.php’ and can somebody guide me to the right direction where i’m doing a mistake for which the custom field values are getting cached in the post-new.php?

    I have WP Super Cache plugin installed.

    this is how i am storing posts into the database.

    $postid = wp_insert_post(array('post_title'=> addslashes($title),'post_content'=> addslashes($new_content),'post_category'=> array('12'),'post_status'=>'publish','tags_input' => addslashes($tags)));
      add_post_meta($postid, 'thumbnail', $img_url);
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  • I am having the same problem – my custom fields are filled and can not be deleted…

    do you know how to clear them? Is this a caching issue??

    Please help if you can.

    Thank you

    any updates?

    im having same issue here.. i just imported my old post to my new site… and I want to start new custom field, how can I delete the old custom field?



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