• shahry4r


    Hello everyone

    I have a website that has published content for 13 years and our URLs contain the date (local date), in this year Our SEO team decided to remove dates from URLs but for this action, we predict facing a bunch of problems:

    1- During two or three months we faced huge traffic drops because even though our URLs were redirected by the 301 methods we used too many for the Google crawl budget.

    2- Some pages and comment pages (we still use pagination for our comments) got shot and we are facing 404 problems on SEO rank for these pages maybe we have rank dropped.

    3- We have created too many internal links (with URLs containing dates) in contents and we don’t know how to rewrite them. and if we use the 301 method these changes should be enough to move link-building credit?

    I will be so glad to hear about your experience with changing URLs and SEO effects on pages, especially on huge websites, and the time needed to recover all page rank by Google.

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  • threadi


    Your question has little to do with WordPress itself. It’s more a question of how Google reacts to such changes in page structures. From a technical point of view, you’ve done everything right. Why Google reacts the way it does, you should ask in appropriate communities. For example in the Google Search Community here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/community?hl=en

    If you use an SEO plugin in your WordPress, you can also ask in their support forum. There are often more people with experience in this area active than here in the general forum.

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