Remove download link from audio player
[ Moderator note: moved to Fixing WordPress. ]
Hi everyone,
I use a perfect simple audio plugin named PlayPress on my website.
I’d like to remove the download link which appears on every file.
I don’t know the first think about coding but I guess this is the code of the plugin, could anyone tell me what to change to remove the download links?
Plugin has been discontinued for years so I’m not posting in its specific support forum, thanks for your understanding.
Thanks in advance for your help!
<?php /* Plugin name: PlayPress Plugin URI: Version: 1.2.1 Description: A JavaScript-free, non--Flash-dependent audio player, fortified with HTML5 vitamins and minerals. [audio mp3="example"] Author: Joshua Goodwin Author URI: License: MIT */ function playpress_func($atts) { extract( shortcode_atts( array('mp3'=>'', 'ogg'=>'', 'title'=>false, 'artist'=>false), $atts ) ); STATIC $i = 0; $i++; $flash_parameters = 'soundFile=' . $mp3 . '&playerID=' . $i; if ($title === '' || $artist === '') { $flash_parameters .= '&noinfo=yes'; } if ($title !== false) { $flash_parameters .= '&titles=' . $title; } if ($artist !== false) { $flash_parameters .= '&artists=' . $artist; } /* You can customise the Flash player like this: $flash_parameters .= '&setting=value&setting=value'; Some popular settings and their default values (see for more): autostart=no loop=no animation=yes remaining=yes noinfo=no initialvolume=60 buffer=5 checkpolicy=no rtl=no bg=E5E5E5 leftbg=CCCCCC lefticon=333333 voltrack=F2F2F2 volslider=666666 rightbg=B4B4B4 rightbghover=999999 righticon=333333 righticonhover=FFFFFF loader=5386B0 track=FFFFFF tracker=DDDDDD border=CCCCCC skip=666666 text=333333 */ $flash_top = '<object id="audioplayer' . $i . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . plugins_url() . '/playpress/player.swf" width="700" height="27"> <param name="movie" value="' . plugins_url() . '/playpress/player.swf" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="' . htmlspecialchars($flash_parameters) . '" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />'; $download_link = '<a href="' . $mp3 . '">Download audio file (' . basename($mp3) . ')</a>'; if (! is_feed()) { if (! empty($mp3)) { $output = '<p>'; if (! empty($ogg)) { $output .= '<audio controls preload="metadata">'; $output .= '<source src="' . $mp3 . '" type="audio/mp3"><source src="' . $ogg . '" type="audio/ogg" />'; } $output .= $flash_top; if (empty($ogg)) { $output .= '<audio controls preload="metadata" src="' . $mp3 . '">'; } $output .= $download_link; if (empty($ogg)) { $output .= '</audio>'; } $output .= '</object>'; if (! empty($ogg)) { $output .= '</audio>'; } $output .= '</p>'; } elseif (! empty($ogg)) { $mp3 = $ogg; $output = '<p>' . $download_link . '</p>'; } } else { if (! empty($mp3)) { $output = '<p>' . $download_link . '</p>'; } if (! empty($ogg)) { $mp3 = $ogg; $output .= '<p>' . $download_link . '</p>'; } } return $output; } add_shortcode('audio', 'playpress_func'); ?>
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