• I have been searching the web for several days, trying to discover the easiest way to delete the black fold over banner that appears on a post thumbnail in the Minimatica blog.

    There are discussions about this issue on the Internet, but no real solution and/or the threads are dead.

    I’d truly appreciate help. Thanks so much!


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  • deepbevel


    the subject of this thread is going all over the place, did you resolve posts per page?



    lol, it is a bit.

    Yes I am ok with posts per page thanks for the help.

    I have downloaded the ‘advanced excerpt plugin’ and I am just scrolling through the .php to try and find where to set the width to 0 (not clear on first run-through)

    I already have the menu style set as Gallery but I have not got my head around the whole ‘catagories’ thing to be quite honest. I have lots of pages and posts, but not really used the catagories. Is this were I need to focus?



    Yes, this is making sense now. Thank you so much for your help ??



    You can set the number to 0 in the excerpt, its the first setting in advanced excerpt.

    You’ll need to make a category page with a custom menu, under appearance/menus.

    All posts in the selected category will appear as featured images, just like the home slider.



    you are a star



    no, just familiar with minimatica. Great theme eh?



    Its brilliant.



    Feel free to post more minimatica questions here, it’s become a minimatica anything goes thread now.



    You might regret saying that.



    Not getting the ‘advance excerpt’ working to get rid of the captions. There is no ‘settings’ section (only activate/edit/delete)

    I was trying to change the text in the .php, is this what I should be doing? Seems like there should be a settings page.

    The ‘plug-in site’ is not running either so can’t get help from that!



    I totally get the whole catagories thing now and have created different catagories so that the menu at the bottom of the page can open different sliders.


    Can I also link them, so that the first post on the home page slider (when pressed) opens a new slider

    ie, The fist four posts on the slider on the home page are the MAIN MENU and each post opens a SUB MENU slider with another 4 posts.

    Can I do this?



    The slider only links to posts, not category/archives. You would have to do some coding. could get nasty.

    A work around would be to create an archive page within a post. There are plugins which allow you to query posts within the content area of another post via shortcode. Xili posts in post is one which comes to mind.

    Adavanced excerpts settings are under Settings/Excerpt.



    However, the posts in your shortcode-archive will not display in the minimatica slider, so perhaps that’s no good.

    there’s probably a way to hard-code the links so no matter what post or image is in the slider, you could make it link to what ever you wanted, such as the minimatica gallery style archive for a set category.
    I’ll check that out as I can if interested. I might use that myself.



    actually, xili posts in post plugin is pretty flexible, wondering if it’s possible to include the minimatica post slider function as output in the xili query..? somehow I doubt it but I may have to try. Aside being able to link to a minimatica gallery archive inside a post, It woudl be cool to get that output for any custom post query you wanted, anywhere in the theme.



    great, I am glad you are on board to help. I hope you can figure it out. I have the ideas but not the knowhow.

    Still struggling with getting rid of my captions, lol… I set the excerpt length to 0 in the settings but its still there. doh!

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