Hi @nmavra,
Thank you for providing the screenshot.
The FAQ page you mentioned is not displayed in the latest version of our plugin. It was included in previous versions, but our developer has confirmed that the file is still present in the current plugin, which is why it is still appearing for you.
To resolve this, the developer has removed that file from the plugin. This means the link to the FAQ page will no longer show up in the Dashboard area.
Kindly download the “ts-faq-support.php” file of our plugin from the below link that contains the patch for this issue.
Patch- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zeamwjvv0napptq8xj04c/ts-faq-support.php?rlkey=twuvv1b0w091sqaaoh9e7oouc&st=en0ejall&dl=0
Once you’ve downloaded the file, please replace the existing one via FTP at this path:
After replacing the file, please check if the FAQ page link still appears for you and let us know the results.