@mj187 Yes there is a filter for the show link URL on schedule displays: radio_station_schedule_show_link
So for example, you could add a filter that would return false for the Tabs view and this would remove links to all Show’s page on the schedule:
add_filter( 'radio_station_schedule_show_link', 'custom_show_link' );
function custom_show_link( $url, $show_id, $view ) {
if ( 'tabs' == $view ) {return false;}
return $url;
But if you want to link the show to an existing page, you may need extra code to get the page URL for that Show ID. Probably the easiest way would be to get that from a post meta field for example:
add_filter( 'radio_station_schedule_show_link', 'custom_show_link' );
function custom_show_link( $url, $show_id, $view ) {
if ( 'tabs' == $view ) {return get_post_meta( $show_id, 'page_url', true );}
return $url;