• I have gotten my blog up and running but I would like to remove the Meta links from the blog. For now, I am using the default template. Remember, I’m a moron :)\Thanx

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  • I’ve checked 2 urls that you have linked here, but I see no meta stuff …… where is it ?

    I’m not quite sure. But when I view my source or try and validate, I’m getting errors.

    Line 115, column 43: document type does not allow element “meta” here

    <meta name=’DC.title’ content=”my weblog” />

    I meant where is your blog with the meta displayed ??

    The error above is probably due to the <head part of your page being incorrectly structured.

    Oh, haha. https://escapetheday.org/wp/ would be the url.

    Yeah, meta tags belong in the head as I know. The problem here is that MY header.php starts AND ends <head> and begins the <body>. So when that’s included in my wp, the meta tags are ending up in the body. Which would be why I’d like to remove them. Though I don’t see why they’re even there.

    Either put them into your header or delete them.

    A site built like yours is also very hard for us to troubleshoot. Instead of one file where we can follow code, you have 3 or more, each of which needs to knit together correctly for WP to work properly, and mistakes could be in any.

    If you need faults finding, then the best thing to do is create – on your machine – a huge text file that has each file fully listed in it in the correct order, and then post that whole file to the link below.
    The other thing to do is very carefully compare original WP files with yours – as the mistake (as I said in another thread) is due to you having moved/deleted a vital piece of WP code.


    guys, I neither found

    <li id=”meta”>
    <li id=”meta”><?php _e(‘Meta:’); ?>

    in my active theme (default). I searched in Index.php
    anything it has related to “meta” word is:

    <p class=”postmetadata”>

    my sidebar.php file has:

    • <h2><?php _e(‘Meta’)
      <?php wp_meta(); ?>

      and that’s it. all I want is to delete the Meta links and the name itself “Meta” from my webpage as I find it unnecessary.

      please comment/help

      all I have

    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posted on this topic. I scratched my head a bit then followed the above instructions and a piece of cake….I even changed the word META to Login….just looks nicer.

    Thankyou all again…btw…the files in in the wp_content/themes/default directory and the code is at the bottom of the page.

    META and login are 2 different things. ??

    Hi Guys….
    Kindly tell me the way by which we can give notification to members by automatically sending an e-mail on their email-ids whenever a new post is made.

    Root posted:
    “META and login are 2 different things. :)”

    Yes this may be true, but when you tell the average joe to login to post, they are looking for the Log in and seem afraid to click on anything under the heading of META.

    you will want to start a new topic asking the same info. Your more likely to get quicker assistance. I wouldn’t mind knowing the answer as well.

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