Step 1:
- Use FTP [e.g. filezilla] to access your site
- make a backup of all files of your site
Step 2: make a back-up of the content = database of your site
- dashboard > tools > export > all content > download exportfile
- If required: confirm installation of export tool and run the export
You now have a fallback position, should things go wrong!
Step 3: Create a childtheme
Why a childtheme?
Don’t make any changes to a theme itself. Instead make the changes to a childtheme. Should the author of your original theme update the theme, your changes in the childtheme will not be overwritten. Your site with your adaptations will remain intact.
Suggestion: use the ‘one click childtheme plugin’.
1. Install and activate ‘one click childtheme plugin
2. create the childtheme
3. Dashboard > appearance > Themes > activate the childtheme
4. Make the changes in the CHILDtheme!
– copy php files / css-file(s) of the original theme [as required] to the childtheme directory and edit them as required.
Step 4: Finally: making some changes [the quick and dirty way]
- FTP:copy the files ‘footer.php’ ‘footer-one.php’ and ‘footer-two.php’ of the original theme to the childtheme-folder
- Open ‘footer-one.php’ and ‘footer-two.php’ in an editor like ‘notepad++'[not a wordprocessor]and clear the content
- add your logo and any text you like: [example] to both files You can change things like height, width etc.
<img src="" alt="example of logo" width="304" height="228">
- save the changes and re-upload using ftp
- browser: check result and adjust as required