• Resolved nootkan


    I wanted to create a new user role between Admin and Editor and call it Moderator.

    I started off by adding a function in my child theme with the capabilities added via an array but couldn’t get what I wanted.

    I next tried to use various plugins but also couldn’t achieve what I was after. I might add that I prefer not to use a plugin for this if it is possible.

    Finally I decided to modify the serialized data inside wp_options>>wp_user_roles using a nifty little online editor I found which did almost exactly what I was after.

    The only issue I have now, is I need to block the following options from view by the new user role: Appearance, Custom Fields, Settings, Tools, the plugins Advanced Recent Posts and MetaSlider.

    I’ve tried the following based on capabilities but I am starting to think that they aren’t classified as capabilities or there must be another way.


    Any help greatly appreciated!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by nootkan. Reason: type O
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  • Anonymous User 14808221


    Finally I decided to modify the serialized data inside wp_options>>wp_user_roles using a nifty little online editor I found which did almost exactly what I was after

    This is a bad idea. Do not edit or else modify data in the database, no matter what, if you can avoid it, and even I you cannot avoid it, unless you now precisely what you are doing.

    The Admin Menu items you try to hide are not all from WordPress so it will require you to find out what “capabilities” these plugins require to see those menus, then you can make sure your role does not have those capabilities and that would hide the menus/not show them to that user of that role.

    To register the new user with new role, you can use add_role() function.
    It will allow you to set a role with the capabilities you want

    But to do that successfully you need to know what those plugins expect as user role to show their menus, so you can then ensure to NOT include that capability in the new user role…

    The appearance menu for example requires the edit_theme_options capability so If you do not give your role any higher than that, or the very same capability then they won’t see the appearance menu.

    You can also try to play with remove_menu_page() (see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/remove_menu_page/) to actually remove menu pages when a user of certain role logs in.

    I hope this helps in order to revisit the code approach and “forget” about the direct database editing ??

    Thread Starter nootkan


    Thanks for the tips and advice. I did as you asked and removed my database changes and added this to my functions in my child theme which gives me the exact same thing as the database gave me.

    `// New User Role and Capabilities
    add_role(‘moderator’, __(
    ‘create_posts’ => true, // Allows user to create new posts
    ‘delete_pages’ => true, // Allows user to delete their own pages
    ‘delete_posts’ => true, // Allows user to delete their own posts
    ‘delete_published_pages’ => true, // Allows user to delete published pages
    ‘delete_published_posts’ => true, // Allows user to delete published pages
    ‘delete_private_pages’ => true, // Allows user to delete published pages
    ‘delete_private_posts’ => true, // Allows user to delete published pages
    ‘edit_pages’ => true, // Allows user to edit pages
    ‘edit_others_pages’ => true, // Allows user to edit others pages
    ‘edit_posts’ => true, // Allows user to edit their own posts
    ‘edit_others_posts’ => true, // Allows user to edit others posts too
    ‘edit_private_pages’ => true, // Allows user to edit private pages
    ‘edit_private_posts’ => true, // Allows user to edit private posts
    ‘edit_published_pages’ => true, // Allows user to edit published pages
    ‘edit_published_posts’ => true, // Allows user to edit published posts
    ‘level_8’ => true, // Allow user level 8
    ‘level_7’ => true, // Allow user level 7
    ‘level_6’ => true, // Allow user level 6
    ‘level_5’ => true, // Allow user level 5
    ‘level_4’ => true, // Allow user level 4
    ‘level_3’ => true, // Allow user level 3
    ‘level_2’ => true, // Allow user level 2
    ‘level_1’ => true, // Allow user level 1
    ‘level_0’ => true, // Allow user level 0
    ‘manage_categories’ => true, // Allows user to manage post categories
    ‘manage_options’ => true, // Allows user to edit options
    ‘moderate_comments’ => true, // Allows user to moderate comments
    ‘publish_pages’ => true, // Allows user to publish pages
    ‘publish_posts’ => true, // Allows the user to publish posts
    ‘read’ => true, // Allows a user to read
    ‘read_private_pages’ => true, // Allows user to read private pages
    ‘read_private_posts’ => true, // Allows user to read private posts
    ‘upload_files’ => true, // Allows user to upload files to media

    Unfortunately no matter what else I try based on the links you provided I cannot seem to grasp how to write the php to remove the menu options I want to for the moderator role.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by nootkan.
    Moderator bcworkz


    What you want will get quite involved to fully achieve because not only do the various items require different caps checked in various places, in some cases there is no cap differentiation between desired and undesired.

    A possible alternative would be to simply hide certain elements with CSS. Completely insecure, a knowledgeable user could easily work around such an approach, but all the same it would likely stymie most users.

    Perhaps a hybrid approach. Suppress what you can reasonably do with PHP. For elements that are more difficult, just hide them.

    While hiding with CSS is insecure, it may be feasible in most cases to enforce restrictions after the fact. Users may be able to unhide things and submit changes, but subsequent hooks involved with the change could reject such changes. Not the greatest UX, but if users are sneaky enough to unhide what they shouldn’t be accessing, they shouldn’t be surprised when their attempted change doesn’t actually take effect.

    I am a novice wordpress admin. I do want the capability of doing both editing and adding new records in the participants database. Is there any way to get around this single role issue short of adding a one time user/editor each time I need to correct something?

    Never mind. This is what comes of being a novice. I figured out how to do the updates with my admin status.

    Thread Starter nootkan


    Gave up on this and found another way to do it.

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