• I’d like for this plugin not to work on custom post types (because they are products in my webshop and I have another SEO plugin better for that specific purpose)

    How would I go about doing that? In the All in on SEO plugin I could just select if there where post types I didn’t want to plugin to work for. ButI can’t find that option here.


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  • It seems that this option is removed from the latest WordPress SEO version as it was initially added in version 0.2, check it here:


    User’s attempt:

    If this is true, it’s pity as this is very important part when you use custom post types.

    @ligefrem, do you use Jigoshop. Because I asked the same question one week ago.

    @ivicad, this is not good news for us then!

    @yoast, is there a way to get this back in the plugin again?

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter Ligefrem


    Yep, Jigoshop it is

    OK, if you get it working or have any news, let’s update each other ;-).

    I need this too!

    I need it to, in case if I wasn’t clear enough… I hope this would be possible in the near future.

    Hello, I worked this out because I was could not work out why it was disabled. See my enable Yoast SEO post to show how you can enable/remove it

    AMediaCompany, thanks for adding your findings here.

    I believe that changing the ‘public’ value in register_post_type() has consequences beyond the SEO plugin that may not be desirable.

    For my own situation, I found that disabling the appearance of the SEO meta-box on the custom post’s edit page was sufficient. (That’s in the SEO settings: Titles & Metas, Post Types Tab, “WordPress SEO Meta Box Hide” Checkbox for each post type).

    martha_camelia, perhaps it does. In the case where you can use the Yoast SEO options to tick something on/off, then great. In my case I was not able to, hence I noted what I did. I’d rather not use public=> true

    To remove Yoast SEO from a post type:
    Make sure your post type does not contain the following code in the register post type:

    ‘public’ => true

    Where can I find this file, maybe I can change it to get it work.

    Kind regards,


    it depends on where your custom file type is defined.

    I’d recommend doing what do what martha_camelia says first and look into the options of wordpress-seo and you could be able to remove it there

    If via a plugin, take a look at the plugin
    if in functions.php, take a look there
    if in a file that functions.php includes, look there.

    If you’ve no idea, contact the person who designed/built your site. If you really haven’t got a clue, ask someone you trust to look at it. Remember, I’m just someone on the internet

    Hi there, well in the file jigoshop_taxonomy.php from the Jigoshop plugin I found the code the use for registering the custom post type. And yes, there is a statement ‘public’ => true. What Martha_Camelia did is not working for me, on the Jigoshop forum I posted before:

    Hi Ivica, I did a lot of testing to see where the problem maybe is. For sure I can tell you that the ‘hide option’ just hide the form but that’s not a function to enable/disable that part. I still got no answer from Yoast how I can do that. Anyone else with same problems?

    Do you advise me to change the code for the Jigoshop plugin? Meaning: removing the line public – true. In my first thought I was thinking we should change something to the SEO plugin not to handle this custom posttype by Yoast SEO…

    Hope to hear from you!

    register_post_type( "product",
    			'labels' => array(
    				'name'               => __( 'Products', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'singular_name'      => __( 'Product', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'all_items'          => __( 'All Products', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'add_new'            => __( 'Add New', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'add_new_item'       => __( 'Add New Product', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'edit'               => __( 'Edit', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'edit_item'          => __( 'Edit Product', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'new_item'           => __( 'New Product', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'view'               => __( 'View Product', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'view_item'          => __( 'View Product', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'search_items'       => __( 'Search Products', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'not_found'          => __( 'No Products found', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'No Products found in trash', 'jigoshop' ),
    				'parent'             => __( 'Parent Product', 'jigoshop' )
    			'description'         => __( 'This is where you can add new products to your store.', 'jigoshop' ),
    			'public'              => true,
    			'show_ui'             => true,
    			'capability_type'     => 'product',
    			'map_meta_cap'        => true,
    			'publicly_queryable'  => true,
    			'exclude_from_search' => false,
    			'hierarchical'        => false, // Hierarchial causes a memory leak https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/15459
    			'rewrite'             => array( 'slug'=> $product_base, 'with_front'=> false, 'feeds'=> $base_slug ),
    			'query_var'           => true,
    			'supports'            => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'excerpt',/*, 'page-attributes'*/ ),
    			'has_archive'         => $base_slug,
    			'show_in_nav_menus'   => false,
    			'menu_position'       => 56

    it may or may not work; I’ve no knowledge of how the jigoshop plugin works.

    I was assuming that you wanted to remove the form from the backend, which removing public=>true should work, but I have no idea how it would affect the plugin

    To remove it from the front-end, on that post type (so you could safely ignore the SEO box on that plugin), I’m guessing you could remove the filter hooks that are used. I’ve not got a list of those, so you will be having to look around to see what needs to stop output on the front-end.

    I asked Jigoshop developers if they have any idea on this, I’m waiting to see if there would be any ideas, hopefully yes…

    @AMediaCompnany and IvicaD, thanks for the quick reply’s. Ivica, I will not change anything before we got answer from the devolopers. Keep me posted :-).

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