• How do I remove the share-this links from my blog index page?

    My blog index page is set to show the_excerpt(), instead of the_content().

    The problem is I end up with a page showing hundreds of sharethis links all over the place and it looks really stupid.

    I’d like to set it up so that the links are only on single post or single pages, not the archives. Can’t seem to find directions on this, and there seems to be no setting in the admin for this.


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  • Thanks heaps @wraithkenny, added your code to functions.php and now the share icons only appear on on single posts or pages ??

    This plugin should really have checkboxes to remove from:

    As not everyone likes to edit functions.php

    Cheers again.

    i was using the code by @cmccrone for the last 6 months and it has worked excellently.

    remove_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'st_remove_st_add_link', 9 );
    remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'st_add_widget' );

    However, the new release of (version 7.0.4) seems to ignore this code in functions.php and share this is back on every excerpt on my home page. I’ve also tried the code by @wraithkenny but to no avail.

    Has anybody else had this problem since upgrading to 7.0.4? is there a work around?


    Hi Mr. footyblogger,
    Actually I was also using the code you mentioned and it worked as you mentioned for older versions prior to 7.0.4 version.
    I have found a solution to this and it worked on my own website. Please check for my website to see the results yourself – https://www.charmjokes.com

    What you have to is to edit the sharethis plugin file. Go to plugin editor and edit the file sharethis.php. Find the following code in the file.

    function st_widget_head() {
    	$widget = get_option('st_widget');

    Now, step 1 is to remove the 2nd line from code above making it like below

    function st_widget_head() {
    	$widget = get_option('st_widget');

    Step 2 : find the code like below and comment out the first and last line as shown

    //function adding_st_filters(){
    	// 2006-06-02 Filters to Add Sharethis widget on content and/or link on RSS
    	// 2006-06-02 Expected behavior is that the feed link will show up if an option is not 'no'
    	if (get_option('st_add_to_content') != 'no' || get_option('st_add_to_page') != 'no') {
    		add_filter('the_content', 'st_add_widget');
    		// 2008-08-15 Excerpts don't play nice due to strip_tags().
    		add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'st_remove_st_add_link',9);
    		add_filter('the_excerpt', 'st_add_widget');

    And as footyblogger mentioned above the use of following code in the functions.php is a must

    remove_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'st_remove_st_add_link', 9 );
    remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'st_add_widget' );

    And, you are done removing sharethis from excerpts.

    Thanks Amitkinkar, worked perfectly.

    Hopefully sharethis will change the plugin so that it can be removed from excerpts in a future release, otherwise editing the sharethis.php will be needed every time the plugin is updated.

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