1. How can remove sidebar from listing details page? Not able to do that.
– Check if your theme has the option to remove sidebars in POST pages. If not, you will have to write a theme override, Normally the layout for posts are controlled by single.php of your theme. Since ACADP listings are Custom Post Type “acadp_listings”, they will use the same post template(single.php). The solution is to copy single.php, rename it as “single-acadp_listings.php”, edit the file and remove the sidebar.
2. How can I remove the website option form listing from?
– You can achieve this by just editing our template file for the listing form. You will have to edit the file under /wp-content/plugins/advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro/public/partials/user/acadp-public-edit-listing-display.php and make the changes
But, instead of editing the above file directly, I would recommend writing an override. Kindly follow https://pluginsware.com/documentation/customizing-acadp-templates/ to write an ACADP template override.