I have the same problem as @tculley. Been going around in circles.
The Conditional Tags ‘Variable Sidebar Content’ functionality is great if you need to display different sidebar content on different pages. But what I am trying to do is remove the sidebar completely on certain pages.
The most frustrating thing is I have done this before, but in my excitement it seems I did not bookmark the tutorial I followed.
The solution I used before was really simple and went something like this – The tutorial provided some code to be pasted into one of the .php files (can’t remember which one). It then told me to create a new page template, without a sidebar, and upload to WP. Now when I went into edit any of the pages there was an additional menu on the right hand side that would allow me to assign the new, non-sidebar template to the page.
It was the perfect solution, but I cant for the life of me find the tutorial I followed.
Does anyone know of the colouration I’m talking about? If so, pleeese let me know.