• Resolved RenoJohn


    Twenty-eleven child theme.

    I rarely post to this forum, seldom beg for help.
    I’m baffled on how to remove this space. screenshot here:

    If someone can point me where to edit style.css so I can mod my child theme appropriately. …….Well, I’ll put a good word into the karma gods.

    Thank You

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  • Posting a link to your site so someone can look at the code using Firebug would be helpful. Screenshots are useless when it comes to things CSS.

    Thread Starter RenoJohn


    WPyogi, Thank You

    No problem — see line 751 in style.css for this:

    .entry-content, .entry-summary {
      padding: 1.625em 0 0;

    Change the padding to adjust the spacing you want to remove…

    Hope that does it.

    Thread Starter RenoJohn



    If you don’t already know it: You’re the grooviest guy in America.

    !THANK YOU! 12thumbs-up!

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