I had all-day events in the upcoming events widget showing:
N/A, April 1, 2015 - April 2, 2015
I was also unable to remove the N/A as it would default back to N/A when I click Save, and I found that putting a space instead of N/A still showed as:
, April 1, 2015 - April 2, 2015
Then I figured out how to clear the event end date field… Which you have to do EVERY TIME you edit the event because after you clear the end-date field and save, it puts a date back into that field! (… even though it is saved & shows on the calendar without an end date.)
Finally I changed the widget template to:
<strong>{daterange}</strong> {timerange after=", "}<BR> – {linking_title}
and now it shows it how I wanted with the exception that there’s an awkward space and comma after the Date when no time-range is specified (like in all-day events).
Just thought I’d toss out my observations in case they help anyone and also to inform the author of some minor awkwardness of the interface.
I’ve just started playing with the Plugin today, but so far it seems like a really good Calendar & widget. Thanks!
EDIT: I played with the code and found that removing the after", "
part removed the awkward comma. Cool! Still figuring out how all this code works!