Hi there ??
This can be fixed with some custom CSS. Under Customize > Additional CSS.
To hide the entire header including the breadcrumbs, please use this code:
/* Hide Store header */
?.woocommerce-shop .container.clr.page-header-inner {
display: none !important;
And to disable just the title and subtitle but keeping the breadcrumbs, use this code instead:
/*Disable Store h1 heading*/
.woocommerce-shop h1.page-header-title.clr {
display: none !important;
/*Disable Store subheading*/
.woocommerce-shop .clr.page-subheading {
display: none !important;
If you’d like to learn more about CSS, I highly recommend using the free tutorials at w3schools. Here, you can find the basics of selectors (how to target the right element on the page), and properties (how to change the element on the page).
Cheers ??