I’ve looked at your website in Firefox, MSIE and Chrome and, on the home page, I do not see the ‘…white background that appears on the widgets….’ What I do see is a black bar about 2.5mm tall just above the grey footer area, but only in. Is that what you are talking about?
Also, if I may make a few comments/suggestions, I like your overall website design. The background pictures are striking. One problem I see is that some of the bg images have a dark area right behind the Upcoming Events and some of the content, specifically the content immediately following ‘One Young World Summit’ is almost impossible to read with the font color being black.
Towards the top of the page, right below ‘TerrAfrica is an African Union-led’ line is a button that reads ‘PROGRAM’ and when I mouseover that button, an add for online schools pops up.
I think you might have an issue in how upcoming events display. Also, when I go to your Calendar page, the display modes should be a dropdown selection button. On your calendar, all the display options display in a list, which is not how it should be. The Month option is display twice. There are other very odd display issues in each of the various display views that I would suggest you need to look at. To see just one of the strange displays, click on ‘Day’ view and I see a marrow column displaying only the times with the hour and the am/pm below the time.
Again, you have a nice looking design, but it looks to me that your calendar-related content needs to be looked at.