• Amnesia180


    Hi All,

    If you visit https://www.thewebevolved.com/enter you will see that on the “about” page and “contact page” it has comments.. I want to totally remove these (and not just disable them) for those particular pages.

    How can I do this?


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  • kkarpieszuk


    in template, before code responsible for showing comments put:

    <?php if (!is_page('about', 'contact-me')) : ?>

    and after code of comments:

    <?php endif; ?>



    Thank You!

    I’ve been working on this for days without success… I’m no coder whatsoever and have been doing trial/error.

    Much appreciated.

    Thread Starter Amnesia180


    Doesn’t seem to work.

    Thread Starter Amnesia180


    This is what the code looks like ;

    <?php if (!is_page('about', 'contact-me')) : ?>
    	<span class="date"><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?></span> | <span class="comments"><?php comments_popup_link('No Comments', '1 Comment', '% Comments'); ?> </span> | <span class="category">Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?></span> | <?php edit_post_link('edit', '', ''); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>



    One more quick question… How do I find a page’s ID?

    Thanks again.



    this is not correct place to put my code. you tried to hide something what is hidden in fact. could you show all code of index.php of template? use https://rafb.net/paste/ if it is long

    ID you can see when you are in Admin > Manage > Page. place mouse pointer over link to page which ID you search and look at status bar of browser. i think you will find it easy, it is part of url



    I’ve been playing with this some more and found that if you want more than one page to be affected, you must use array.
    So <?php if (!is_page('about', 'contact-me')) : ?>
    sould read <?php if (!is_page(array('about', 'contact-me'))) : ?>

    At least that’s how I got mine working with multiple pages. I’m on WP 2.7.1

    Thread Starter Amnesia180


    Thanks for your help.

    The index.php on my template file can be found here – https://rafb.net/p/rd2LeU54.html

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